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What is the Recovery Period after a Complex Fracture?

Sep 2, 2015

If you’re dealing with a complex fracture, you know how painful the injury is. The recovery after a complex fracture may not be a simple process, but with some patience and a great doctor, you’ll be feeling better before you know it.

A complex fracture occurs when a bone is broken into many pieces and the surrounding tissues are severely damaged. These types of fractures are typically found in athletes and the elderly. While a complex fracture can happen to anyone and anywhere in the body, women in their sixties are five times more likely to suffer a complex fracture in their wrists than men. Both genders risk fracturing the spine, hip, leg, ankle, or pelvis in a fall.

If a child experiences a complex fracture, they will have to go through specialized care to ensure that their bone growth isn’t affected by the break. Children’s injuries can be much more serious than an adult’s because their bodies are still developing.

It’s important to learn about the recovery period after a complex fracture so you’ll know what to expect during the lengthy healing process.


Complex fractures are different for every patient, but surgery will be required in many cases. The surgeon can correct the complex fracture in any number of different ways depending on the location of the injury.

Your physician will design a specialized treatment plan, based on the severity of the fracture and the location in the body, to help you recover as quickly as possible. Because a complex fracture involves multiple bone fragments, torn ligaments, and tendons, your surgeon will utilize screws and pins to secure everything in place.


After the injury has healed, you’ll need to go through rehabilitation to fully regain your range of motion in the injured area. Your physician will develop a personalized rehabilitation program based on the severity of the injury and where it’s located. This program will include gentle stretches, various exercises, and other physical therapy methods to help the muscles gain flexibility and build strength.

Recovery time varies from patient to patient, but if everything goes smoothly, the fracture should be completely healed in about two months.

If you believe you’ve experienced a complex fracture, it’s important to seek medical attention right away. Visit an emergency medical facility such as a hospital emergency room or Premier’s Orthopaedic Urgent Care Center. Your doctor will perform several physical examinations and may also order an MRI be conducted to better identify and treat the injury.

For more information on maintaining healthy bones, what you can do to prevent fractures, and fracture treatment methods, click here to download our eBook,Understanding Fracture Care: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment.




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