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What are Non-Surgical Treatment Options for a Herniated Disc
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Recovery After Spine Surgery
The spinal cord is an essential part of the body that transfers information to the brain on a regular basis. People who suffer from dysfunction in this area aren’t able to complete the simplest tasks that are normally taken for granted. For this reason, persistent discomfort may lead to advanced care from qualified orthopaedic specialists. Treatment plans typically range from non-surgical procedures and the use of orthopaedic equipment to intrusive operations that aim to provide maximum relief to the spine.
Although spinal cord surgery can be a liberating journey, it’s important to understand that it takes time to reap the rewards. The recovery process is no small feat. Some major surgical procedures in this realm include having a laminectomy, discectomy, spinal fusion, or foraminotomy. Take a look at some leading points to keep in mind after enduring a spinal operation.
Discomfort is Normal
Pain, numbness, weakness, and irritation is completely normal after undergoing spinal surgery. The level of discomfort and the length of time that you feel it is dependent on what type of operation was given. After a discectomy or foraminotomy, it’s possible to expect some nerve pressure for at least a couple of weeks. However, recuperating from a laminectomy or spinal fusion usually takes up to four months for bones to heal properly. In some cases, it takes individuals as long as one year to recover.
Rest is Necessary
Ample relaxation is key to a healthy recovery after spinal surgery. Many pain medications that are prescribed tend to cause side effects and risks of other health complications are prevalent during this vulnerable time. Getting adequate sleep and downtime is essential to keep the immune system in check and prevent further injuries from happening.
Limit Physical Activity
A person’s condition after surgery dictates the amount of physical activity he or she can engage in. Many orthopaedic specialists suggest not sitting for longer than about 30 minutes at a time and taking short walks to prevent stiffness. Also, it’s important not to lift over 20 pounds within the first few weeks of recovery. Driving and other strenuous activities are prohibited until a doctor has given approval.
Dress Wounds Appropriately
Health personnel places bandages over the incision after a spinal procedure. If this dressing doesn’t fall off within a week, it’s generally okay to remove them and begin showering again. If the wound becomes red, itchy, or swollen, it’s best to consult with a doctor for further instruction.
Take heed and be extremely careful during recovery time after spinal surgery. Paying attention to the body’s needs and following medical instructions will lead to faster healing process.
Feel free with contact us with any questions you may have.