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Recent Technology in Concussion Management

May 21, 2015

Technology allows physicians and surgeons the ability to provide their patients the best health care possible. As new technologies continue to emerge in the industry, diagnoses and treatments are becoming more reliable and allow patients to recover more effectively.

A concussion is a brain injury that alters the way the brain functions. It can occur after a blow to the head or body from contact with the ground, a ball, another player, or another object. The severity of the injury depends on many factors, and is sometimes not fully realized until symptoms resolve and brain function is back to normal. A concussion, and its symptoms, can vary significantly from one athlete to another.

Symptoms include:

  • Headache
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Confusion
  • Double or fuzzy vision
  • Dizziness
  • Balance problems
  • Nausea
  • Slow reaction time
  • Amnesia
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Sensitivity to light and sound
  • Feeling sluggish, foggy, or groggy
  • Feeling emotional
  • Irritability
  • Sleep disturbances

New Tools

Concussions are difficult injuries for physicians to diagnose because symptoms vary and can take up to a week to manifest. Because concussions can affect different areas of the brain, physicians are always looking for the next technological breakthrough to help with concussion detection and treatment. The most recent advancements in tools for early brain injury detection fall into three categories: impact sensors, sideline assessments, and biomarkers.

Impact Sensors

Impact sensors are accelerometer devices that attach to helmets, mouth guards, or the skin, and record the strength of varying forces caused when a collision occurs.

Sideline Assessments

Sideline assessments are being developed to help with detection during practice or a game. This will help determine whether the affected player can return to play or not.


While biomarkers are not currently being used in the field, this capability is being utilized during recovery by screening blood and saliva. This test is still a work in progress and the question of how to obtain and analyze samples in a reasonable amount of time needs to be addressed.

Premier’s Concussion Care Solution

Premier Orthopaedics utilizes state-of-the-art computerized neurocognitive assessment tools to ensure every patient is evaluated using the best technology available today. In addition to the advanced technology, experienced and knowledgeable staff members always provide comprehensive concussion assessments and physical examinations.

Premier uses this advanced technology in combination with several other components to provide the best care solution to all patients. By focusing on educating athletes, parents, and coaches, we strive to help you identify and manage concussions effectively.

If you’re dealing with a serious injury and are in need of surgery, download our e-book, Your How-To Guide to Choosing an Orthopaedic Surgeon.
