Pain that starts in the lower back and radiates down the back of the leg is what is commonly referred to as sciatica. The pain follows the path of the sciatic nerve down the leg which means that typically, only one side of the body is affected. The sensation that...
Recognizing the Signs of Tendonitis and How to Treat it
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, tendonitis causes more than 70,000 people to miss work per year. This is just one of many reasons why it is important to understand the symptoms of tendonitis so that you can avoid not only the pain but the inconvenience it...
What are Non-Surgical Treatment Options for a Herniated Disc
The spine consists of 26 bones called vertebrae and between them are cushion-like pads called “intervertebral discs”. The discs serve as shock absorbers for the vertebrae and help provide stability to the spine. When one of these intervertebral discs loses its normal...
Reasons To Look Forward To Spring
“Spring forward, fall back,” right? Well, we for one are very pleased to have spring on the cusp. Premier Orthopedics has put together a list of all the reasons we cannot wait for spring, as if you don’t already have one started yourselves.
One of the best joys of spring is Daylight Savings Time – finally, the days are longer and brighter. Although we have had to accept that for the last few months, most 9-5’ers leave for the day just as the sun has bid farewell, not for long. We have already started gaining a couple minutes per day, and on March 12th, we will get another hour of the beautiful rays of sun. More light equals more energy and that means more reason to get out there! We can only speak for ourselves, but we will forfeit an hour of sleep for more energy, more activity, and more fun. Start a list today of all the exciting outdoor activities to help you get in shape for the season to come.
With the added hours of sunlight, soon to come is warmer weather bringing even more opportunity for activity outside. The gym can seem dismal, especially when you have the before and after trek to your car in below-freezing temperatures. It’s enough to make you want to rush home and climb right into bed. Spring brings gradually higher temperatures, adding the possibility of running, hiking, biking – you name it! The Philadelphia area is so beautiful with tons of opportunity for exploring new trails and more days spent outdoors. Take a trip to horse country and go for a run, or play a backyard game. Include the family and the dogs for added enjoyment.
Time to shed those layers! Warm weather brings that awesome moment you get to say goodbye to the sweaters upon sweaters, paired with scarves, heavy coats, turtlenecks, and long underwear – basically everything that could possibly drag you down and give the illusion that you are carrying some extra L-B’s. Hang in there, folks, soon to come is fun tees, dresses, and shorts, featuring upbeat colors. Even more reason to start the healthy fitness habits now. And when spring is here, summer is soon to follow. Hello sandals and bathing suits! You’ll be the envy of every beach and pool around.
How could we bring up spring without mentioning all the seasonal milestones? The Phillies season starts. Who doesn’t love a good old-fashioned Dollar Dog Night paired with some ice-cold beer every now and then? Every Philadelphian counts down the days until they can rush the stadium and enjoy one of the first games of the season. We, for one, are counting on it. Also, start taking a roster of which of your friends have the best backyards and roof decks, because it’s almost grilling season – another excuse to get your protein in after a hard workout. Spring is one of the most hopeful and exciting seasons, and we know this year surely will not disappoint. Start planning an activity wish list today, and try to work at least 30 minutes of physical activity into every day. Soon, you won’t even have to put it on the list – it will just come naturally!