An Achilles tendon rupture is a very painful injury that typically occurs suddenly without any accompanying symptoms. This injury is usually treated with rehabilitation and/or physical therapy. These treatment methods reduce the pain associated with the injury, help...
Many children get involved with sports at a young age. This is a great way for kids to learn about sportsmanship, expend some energy, and meet new friends. It also helps children stay healthy and has been shown to reduce the risk of diabetes, obesity, cancer, and...
In Philadelphia, as the summer heat makes way for cooler temperatures, many fall festivals and events are just around the corner. Whether you’re interested in something spooky around Halloween or the city’s art scene, there are many exciting opportunities and...
If you’re dealing with a complex fracture, you know how painful the injury is. The recovery after a complex fracture may not be a simple process, but with some patience and a great doctor, you’ll be feeling better before you know it. A complex fracture occurs when a...
An ankle fracture is one of the most common injuries, as twisting, rolling, or bending it can cause the bone to break. People constantly use their ankles to walk, jump, or run, and one wrong move is all it takes to push the joint too far. Ankle fractures typically...