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Top Tips for Athletes to Maintain Peak Performance

Nov 25, 2014

Putting your body through a series of demanding workouts every day can be challenging. It’s important to take care of your body to ensure that you stay in shape and perform the best as you can to avoid injury.

Athletes are always looking for ways to improve their game and strengthen their bodies. The following tips will help athletes get the most out of their workouts.


Make sure to get an adequate amount of sleep at night so your muscles can recover from the challenging workouts during the day. Getting enough sleep is also beneficial for your workout the next day. Seven to eight hours of sleep is the recommended amount of time. If you are finding it difficult to get enough sleep at night, take a 20- to 30-minute nap after your workout for recovery.

Diet and Nutrition

What you eat is important for the health of your body, especially your muscles. A balanced diet is essential for optimal performance in order to have energy for workouts, games, and the proper nutrients for muscle health.

Make sure your diet has the proper balance of protein, carbohydrates, unsaturated fats, vitamins, and minerals. You also need to stay hydrated at all times because your body is made up of mostly water that is lost during workouts. Drinking enough water is important for your physical and mental performance. Eight, 8-ounce glasses of water per day are recommended for the average adult, but athletes should drink a few more glasses than that since they lose even more water from intense exercise.

Get Injuries Treated

It’s important to listen to the warning signs that your body gives you. Working through an injury will only create more damage in the long run. If you’re experiencing pain, stop exercising until you get examined by a doctor and the injury is properly treated. You’ll be able to perform better when you’ve allowed your injury to heal properly.

Take Rest Days

After getting in the habit of exercising or working out almost every day, it can be difficult to actually rest on your rest days. But this day is crucial to allowing your body and mind to recover from the intense physical activities it’s been performing. Don’t go for a jog or light lifting session – just rest. You’ll feel better when you get back to working out.

Do Cardio Outdoors

If you typically train indoors, try switching it up by exercising outside. Go running, jogging, sprinting, biking, or even rollerblading. Performing a different type of cardio will keep your body from plateauing and it will help build your muscles. Take advantage of hills and mountains for an extra challenge.

It’s crucial to pay attention to what your body is telling you. If you are continuously exhausted, you need to take a break. If your ankle is hurting you, stay off of it for a while. Pushing yourself too hard will only result in injury.

As an athlete, your body is your main tool and it’s important to take care of it so that you can perform at your peak ability.

For more information about improving your performance, click here to download our e-book, The Athlete’s Guide to Reaching Peak Sports Performance and Preventing Injury. This educational guide will help you understand common sports injuries, treatment methods and how to maintain fitness after an injury.


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