Three Signs it’s Time to Consult a Foot and Ankle Specialist

Mar 27, 2015

Dealing with foot and ankle pain can be unbearable, so it’s best to seek treatment at the first sign of discomfort. However, patients sometimes mistakenly think that their problem is not severe enough for a foot and ankle specialist.
A foot and ankle specialist will be able to effectively diagnose and treat your injury, disorder, or condition in order to relieve your pain and allow you to begin living your life again.
If you’re experiencing any of the following issues, it’s time to contact a foot and ankle specialist.

You have corns, bunions, blisters, or foot infections

If you have foot growths or infections, you should schedule an appointment to consult a foot and ankle specialist right away. These problems may not seem serious, but they won’t go away without treatment. A growth or infection can lead to more severe problems if left untreated. A symptom of a corn or bunion includes hardening of the skin. If you witness any type of discharge or pus, you may have a bacterial infection. People with diabetes or other conditions known to cause poor circulation should be especially cautious when dealing with any signs of infection because these types of diseases cause their risk to increase.
In addition to growths and infections, it’s also recommended that you see a specialist for toenail discoloration and severely cracked or peeling skin on the feet.

A specialist will determine what the issue is and how to effectively treat it to relieve your pain. They will also be able to identify what caused the problem in the first place in order to help you prevent it from reoccurring in the future.

You have persistent foot and ankle pain

Dealing with persistent foot and ankle pain for weeks, months, or even years can mean that you have an injury or condition that needs to be addressed. Ignoring the pain rather than seeking treatment could lead to permanent damage,broken bones, or torn ligaments.
Any persistent redness, skin discoloration, swelling, or feeling that is hot to the touch is also a sign that it’s time to consult a foot and ankle specialist.

You have heel pain

Pain in the heel can mean one of many conditions or injuries including plantar fasciitis or a heel spur. Plantar fasciitis occurs when the plantar fascia, the strong band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot and connects to the heel bone, becomes inflamed due to excessive running or jumping. If plantar fasciitis is left untreated, a calcium deposit, known as a heel spur, can form in the foot.
While these painful issues may not be serious initially, they can become very painful and debilitating over time. Contact a foot and ankle specialist at the first sign of heel discomfort to begin an effective course of treatment.

If you experience any of these issues, contact a foot and ankle specialist. They will treat your injury, relieve your pain, and help you get back to living your life free of pain.

For more information about foot and ankle pain, such as common symptoms and treatment methods, download our e-book, Pains and Sprains: A Complete Guide to Foot Injuries and Disorders.
