Pain that starts in the lower back and radiates down the back of the leg is what is commonly referred to as sciatica. The pain follows the path of the sciatic nerve down the leg which means that typically, only one side of the body is affected. The sensation that...
Recognizing the Signs of Tendonitis and How to Treat it
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, tendonitis causes more than 70,000 people to miss work per year. This is just one of many reasons why it is important to understand the symptoms of tendonitis so that you can avoid not only the pain but the inconvenience it...
What are Non-Surgical Treatment Options for a Herniated Disc
The spine consists of 26 bones called vertebrae and between them are cushion-like pads called “intervertebral discs”. The discs serve as shock absorbers for the vertebrae and help provide stability to the spine. When one of these intervertebral discs loses its normal...
The most important questions to ask your knee replacement surgeon
You should never make the decision to proceed with any medical procedure lightly, and the decision to proceed with knee replacement surgery is no different. There are over 700,000 total knee replacement surgeries performed in the U.S. every year. Even though it is such a common procedure, every surgery carries certain risks. If you or a loved one will be having knee replacement surgery, you probably have many questions and concerns. Be certain to address these concerns with your physician before the procedure is scheduled. Remember, you are not just asking questions to get information, you are evaluating your physician’s personality and customer service skills.
Have a Conversation
If your doctor has recommended a total or partial knee replacement, choosing a great surgeon will make a big difference in your recovery. One of the best ways to evaluate a surgeon is to begin with a simple conversation. You can get the conversation started with this list of five essential questions to ask your knee replacement surgeon:
1. How many knee replacements have you performed in the last 24 months? What was the typical outcome?
All medical cases are unique, and your recovery will depend on a large number of different factors. Even so, if the surgeon will not clearly answer this question, it is a warning sign.
2. What potential complications should I be aware of?
No matter how routine a surgical procedure is, complications are always a possibility. Any surgeon who tells you otherwise is not being truthful. Be sure that you understand and are willing to accept the risks before proceeding.
3. Will I need to stay in the hospital? If so, for how long?
In some cases, a knee replacement procedure may be performed on an outpatient basis. However, the typical hospital stay is three to four days for a single knees and five to seven days if both knees are replaced.
4. What therapies will I need after surgery?
Rehabilitative physical therapy is a major factor in your recovery. A four- to six-week regimen of physical therapy is typical after a knee replacement.
5. Is surgery my only option?
Perhaps you would prefer to avoid surgery. Depending on your specific situation, there may be nonsurgical alternative treatments available. If speaking with a surgeon, he or she will likely recommend surgery, but they should also be able to advise you on nonsurgical alternatives.
If you are considering a knee replacement, finding the right surgeon is crucial. Finding that surgeon may well start with a simple conversation. Refer to these essential questions to ask your knee replacement surgeon when you have this conversation. If you would like to learn more about knee surgery and finding the right surgeon, download our free e-book, 360 Degrees of Knee Replacement Surgery.