Risk Factors of Complex Fractures

Jul 17, 2015

A complex fracture occurs when the bone is broken in multiple pieces, causing damage to surrounding soft tissue and cartilage. This can result in joint dislocation and the loss of bone fragments due to the severe trauma. While each complex fracture varies from patient to patient, there are certain people who are more at risk than others.

Complex fractures are complicated, painful, and can be difficult to treat. For this reason, it’s crucial that orthopaedic physicians are experienced with this particular injury and provide quality care to each patient. Premier Orthopaedics has a team of doctors who have gone through extensive training and specialize in complex fractures. These physicians are dedicated to providing each patient with high-quality care and utilizing advanced technology and thoughtful treatment methods to promote quicker healing. Learn more about the risk factors of complex fractures and find out if you’re more susceptible to suffering this type of injury.


Athletes are prone to experiencing complex fractures because of the amount of contact that’s involved with playing sports. Whether they collide with another player, a ball or puck, or other tools used in the sport, they could suffer a great deal of trauma. When an athlete has to deal with a complex fracture, it can be devastating. Because the treatment is difficult, an athlete is unsure whether they’ll be able to heal in time for the next season or even that they’ll be able to fully recover.

Aging Adults

As adults age, they become more susceptible to experiencing complex fractures. Bones start to lose strength and are easier to break. When an aging adult deals with blunt trauma from a fall or colliding with another person or object, their bones can’t handle the impact and a complex fracture can occur.


In addition to athletes and aging adults being at risk of complex fractures, women who are 60 or older are five times more likely to suffer this injury with their wrists compared with men. However, both sexes are equally at risk of fractures of the spine, hip, leg, ankle, and pelvis because of a fall. If you believe you’ve experienced a complex fracture, it’s important that you seek attention right away and visit an emergency medical facility, whether it’s an emergency room or Premier’s Orthopaedic Urgent Care Center. Your doctor will perform several physical examinations and may order an MRI in order to better identify and treat your injury. A complex fracture will require surgery and rehabilitation, but each injury is different. Based on the severity of the complex fracture and on what part of the body it occurred, your physician will design a specialized treatment plan to help you recover as quickly as possible. Click here to contact Premier Orthopaedics and learn more information about complex fractures.

For more information about fracture care, click here to download our free eBook,Understanding Fracture Care: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment.

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