Everyday Habits that Cause Back Pain

Jun 18, 2015

Your back is used for everything from the slightest movement, bend, or twist, to keeping your body standing upright. Unfortunately, this puts a lot of responsibility on the back that can lead to wear and tear over the years. There are also specific movements that can cause back pain and disrupt your daily routine and evening sleep.

Continue reading to find out about the ordinary habits that could be causing your back pain.

Sitting at a Desk

Sitting puts 40 percent more stress on your spine than standing. When your spine is idle or you’re slouching, the inactive joints become less lubricated which causes them to age more quickly. Leaning forward over a computer can tighten your chest muscles, round your shoulders, and cause you to slouch. To rectify this situation, you should make an effort to maintain good posture and take breaks every now and then.

Start by leaning back in your chair slightly when you can. Make it a habit to do so every time you take a phone call or during discussions with a coworker. It’s also crucial that your desk chair be supportive. Your head should be straight rather than leaning forward when you are looking at your computer. It will also benefit you to get up and walk around during the day as often as you can.

The Daily Commute

Just as leaning over your computer will disrupt your posture, the same goes for leaning over your steering wheel. Be aware of your driving posture on the way to and from work, and be sure to sit at a 90-degree angle. Position the driver’s seat so that you don’t have to stretch your arms and legs to reach the steering wheel and pedals.

Lack of Exercise

Daily exercise can do wonders for your body, and your spine in particular. Some people believe that they can’t exercise when they have back pain because it will make the pain worse. However, engaging in any type of exercise, whether it’s jogging, walking, or swimming, will help relieve the stiffness you’re experiencing in the spine.

You’ll also notice that stretching daily will relieve the tension in your back. Be sure to focus on stretching the hamstrings and hips.

Unhealthy Diet

It’s no secret that a balanced diet can do wonders for the body, relieve aches and pains, and make your overall quality of life better. Eating habits that are good for your heart and blood sugar are also good for your back health. With a good diet, nutrients are brought to the spine and inflammation is reduced.

If you would like to eat for improved back health, avoid excess caffeine and processed food, and focus instead on enriched wheat flour, whole grains, nuts, seeds, protein, vegetables, and fruit.

Take these habits into consideration and try to alter your daily routine slightly to begin reducing your back pain. If the pain persists, you may be dealing with a more serious issue. Contact your doctor for an evaluation.
