Best Shoes for Preventing Foot and Ankle Problems

Jan 9, 2015

Many foot and ankle problems can often be caused by shoes that don’t fit, are too tight, and don’t have enough room. A proper-fitting, well-padded pair of shoes can keep your feet and ankles healthy and reduce everyday wear and tear.

Staring at racks of shoes can be overwhelming. These tips will help you find the best shoes for you to prevent foot and ankle injuries.

Athletic shoes are broken into categories like walking, training, and running. Choose one based on the activity that you’ll be performing. A walking shoe will have a comfortable upper part and good shock absorption. A running shoe will be cushioned with flexibility and stability in the heel area and will be light. A trainer will be similar to a running shoe, but with a thicker sole.

It’s of the utmost importance that your shoes provide support in the arch. The arches of your feet need stability and a supportive arch will help reduce the risk of injury.

Try On Your Shoes

Going to the store and trying on a pair of shoes is crucial. Don’t just order them online without knowing how they fit. When trying on shoes, there are few things to keep in mind. These tips will help you find shoes that fit properly and will provide the right amount of support for your feet.

  • When trying on shoes, wear the same type of socks that you’ll usually be wearing with your shoes. This will ensure that your shoes fit perfectly.
  • Re-lace the shoes before trying them on. Make sure to begin at the farthest eyelets and create a crisscross pattern to the top of the shoe.
  • Walk, jog, and run a few steps to determine if your shoes provide appropriate support and are comfortable.
  • Make sure you can comfortably wiggle your toes in your shoes. If there’s not enough space, those shoes could cause your feet problems or deformities over time.
  • The best times to try on shoes are at the end of the day or right after a workout. This is when your feet are largest, so you won’t have to worry about shoes being too tight.
  • Shoes should be comfortable as soon as you put them on. You shouldn’t have to break them in for them to feel good on your feet.
  • Make sure the shoe grips your foot firmly and your heel doesn’t slip out.

It’s a good idea to have a few different pairs of shoes that you can rely on depending on the activity you’re participating in. Don’t wear your running shoes all day, wear them only for running. This will maximize the life of the shoe, as well as keep your feet healthy for a longer period of time.

It’s also important to find a new pair when your old shoes are no longer providing enough support. If you start feeling aches in strange places like your knees, hip, and back for no apparent reason, your shoes could be the culprit.
